News & Blog Post
Letter from a Happy Customer

My experience with the Conqueror Commander purchased in Des 2014
I broke my back in a car accident in May 2014. As a result much of what is required to pitch a tent and set up camp has become impossible. I had to decide to either give up camping or find a solution that would allow me to go camping without hurting or damaging my back.
After 4 months’ research and visiting some factories and most show rooms of the major off-road trailer and caravan suppliers I realised that pitching a rooftop or trailer-top tent – especially at the end of a tiring day behind the wheel – would be a risk for a guy who 2 months ago could not put on his socks without considerable pain. Much to my surprise I saw that some of the off-road caravans with the fold out beds were really easy to pitch and in testing a couple of models I realised I could set up the caravans with almost no strain on my back – in the show room!
After seeing how well top brand off-road caravans held their value I decided to buy a new Commander from Conqueror.
Here is what I found as somebody recovering from a broken back over the course of a 3 week 4000 km holiday:
I was really pleasantly surprised how easy and quick it was for me to set up the caravan and the kitchen area with almost no strain on my back.
An added bonus was the practical layout and design of the caravan. As a result of the ample and practical storage space in the caravan we did not have to unpack heavy bags or ammo boxes at every campsite. Almost everything could be neatly packed away in the caravan – quite an achievement if you take into account we are a family of 6 (one a year old baby) and had to pack for a 3 week camping and sea holiday.
My last concern camping with a bad back was how well I would be able to sleep. I am 1.9m tall and in spite of the fact that my wife and I shared the main bed with a 13 month old baby I found the bed fantastic.
Overall, the Commander exceeded our wildest expectations.
Werner Mulder